De Novo Review by Executive Order State Personnel Board

When to Obtain IRB Approval

  • What exactly qualifies every bit homo subjects enquiry?
  • Does my study demand IRB review?
  • Practise students' academic enquiry projects require IRB blessing?
  • Does secondary assay of a information prepare gathered for some other purpose crave a new research project for review?
  • When do oral histories qualify as human subjects research?

Protocol Questions

  • Who needs to be listed on the IRB Application?
  • Do I need to include my research staff or student researchers on the protocol application?
  • I have submitted my IRB Application. Now what happens?
  • What is the fastest manner to find out what happened to my written report at an IRB meeting?
  • Tin I share my IRB protocol approving with colleagues working on similar projects?

Tutorial Questions

  • I need to complete HRP CITI and HIPAA Training.  What are the adjacent steps?
  • How Is CITI completion sent to UCI / Why is my CITI completion not showing up in the IRB application?
  • I've forgotten my UCINetID password. How tin can I find out what it is?
  • How can I find out which tutorials I've taken? How can I verify my study team has completed the required tutorials?
  • I become the following message when I try logging on the tutorial: "Your Browser is not configured to accept Cookies." How do I fix this problem?

Postal service-Blessing Questions

  • What documents are fabricated available in the Document Depot?
  • How do I submit changes to a currently approved protocol?
  • How are changes to an approved protocol reviewed?
  • What is a 7-Year De Novo Standing Review
  • When should I submit a closing written report to the IRB?


When to Obtain IRB Blessing

What exactly qualifies as human being subjects research?

Any systematic investigation (including pilot studies, program evaluations, qualitative research), that is designed to develop or contribute to generalizable (scholarly) cognition, and which uses living humans or identifiable private information most living humans qualifies equally human subjects research. Encounter Definition of Human Subjects Research for more than information.

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Does my study need IRB review?

We cannot make an official determination of whether a report requires IRB blessing via email or over the phone. Please refer to the (launching May 3, 2021) Kuali Human Subject Inquiry Non-Human being Subject Inquiry Module. The module volition be accessed via the UCI HRP Alphabetize page. Run across Definition of Human Subjects Research for more information.

Do students' academic research projects require IRB approval?

Aye, if a student'due south research projection qualifies as human subjects inquiry; whether it is biomedical or social-behavioral in nature, IRB approval is required prior to initiation.

Students, fellows, residents are required to obtain a faculty sponsor to oversee the research. For more data on the requirements for faculty sponsor eligibility, see Lead Researcher Eligibility.

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Does secondary analysis of a data fix gathered for another purpose require a new research projection for review?


Projects that apply an existing data set which includes identifiable data gathered in earlier research projects may require a new IRB protocol for review. Secondary analysis of existing data may include the review of medical records, student records, information collected from previous studies, audio/video recordings, etc. that were initially collected for another purpose. In order to exist existing, the information must be "on the shelf" (i.east., it has already been collected) at the time that the electric current research is proposed.

Though such projects exercise not involve interactions or interventions with humans, they may still require IRB review, since the definition of "human subject" at 45 CFR 46.102(f) includes living individuals nigh whom an investigator obtains identifiable private information for inquiry purposes.

In addition to being identifiable, the existing information must include "private data" in order to constitute research involving human being subjects. Private information is divers equally information which has been provided for specific purposes past an individual and which the private can reasonably expect volition non be fabricated public (east.k., a medical or school record). Information that contains identifiers and can exist accessed freely by the public (without special permission or awarding) is not "private" and the enquiry therefore does not therefore involve human subjects. For instance, a study involving only analysis of the published salaries and benefits of public university presidents would not need IRB review since this information is not individual.

Data analysis activities that run into the definition of enquiry with human subjects may qualify for an exemption or require expedited or even total committee review. Any such project must receive IRB approval or a conclusion of exemption before the investigator accesses the information.

When does the secondary use of existing data non crave review?
In general, the secondary assay of existing data does not require IRB review when information technology does not fall within the regulatory definition of inquiry involving homo subjects, as referenced above.

Note: Although the definition of a man bailiwick includes merely living individuals, thereby excluding decedents, there are cases in which the health information of the deceased and death information files may require IRB review. For additional information and clarification on what constitutes man subject research, refer to Activities that Require IRB Review.

Public information: Public apply data sets (such as portions of U.S. Demography data, data from the National Centre for Educational Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, etc.) are data sets prepared with the intent of making them available for the public. The data available to the public are not individually identifiable and therefore their analysis would not involve homan subjects.

De-identified data: If the dataset has been stripped of all identifying information and there is no fashion that information technology could be linked back to the subjects from whom it was originally collected (through a key to a coding organisation or past any other means), its subsequent utilize by the lead researcher or another investigator would not establish human subjects research, since information technology is no longer identifiable. Identifiable means the identity of the bailiwick is known or may be readily ascertained by the investigator or associated with the information. In full general, data is considered to be identifiable when it tin be linked to specific individuals past the investigator(s) either directly or indirectly through coding systems, or when characteristics of the information obtained are such that by their nature a reasonably knowledgeable person could define the identities of individuals. Therefore, fifty-fifty though a dataset may have been stripped of direct identifiers (names, addresses, student ID numbers, etc.), information technology may all the same be possible to identify an individual through a combination of other characteristics (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, and place of employment).

Example: Many pupil inquiry projects involve secondary analysis of data that belongs to, or was collected by, their faculty advisor or some other investigator. If the student is provided with a de-identified, non-coded information prepare, the use of the data does non constitute research with human subjects because at that place is no interaction with any individual and no identifiable individual information will be used. The project does not therefore crave IRB review.

Coded data: Secondary assay of coded private information is non considered to be inquiry involving human subjects and would not require IRB review if the investigator(s) cannot readily define the identity of the individual(s) to whom the coded individual information pertains as a result of ane of the following circumstances:

  1. The investigators and the holder of the key take entered into an understanding prohibiting the release of the key to the investigators under whatsoever circumstances, until the individuals are deceased (DHHS regulations for humans subjects enquiry do not require the IRB to review and corroborate this agreement);
  2. In that location are IRB-approved written policies and operating procedures for a repository or data management center that prohibit the release of the key to the investigator under any circumstances, until the individuals are deceased; or
  3. There are other legal requirements prohibiting the release of the central to the investigators, until the individuals are deceased.

Note: If a student is analyzing coded data from a faculty advisor/sponsor who retains a key, this would be human subjects research, because the faculty sponsor is considered an investigator on the student's protocol, and can readily ascertain the identity of the subjects since he/she holds the primal to the coded data. If the educatee'due south piece of work fits within the scope of the initial protocol from which the dataset originates, the faculty sponsor (or investigator who holds the dataset) may wish to consider calculation the student and his/her piece of work to the original protocol by means of a modification asking rather than having the pupil submit a new awarding for review.

Example: Researcher A plans to examine the relationships between attention arrears hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiance disorder, and teen drug corruption using information collected by Agencies I, Two, and Three that work with "at risk" youth. The data will be coded and the agencies take entered into an agreement prohibiting release of the key to the researcher that could connect the data with identifiers. The use of the information would non constitute inquiry with human subjects and does non require IRB review.

When is the secondary use of existing data not-exempt? If secondary analysis of existing data does involve research with human subjects and does not qualify for exempt status, the projection must exist reviewed either through expedited procedures or by the full committee. Again, an IRB Application must be submitted.

Consent: Researchers using data previously collected under another study should consider whether the currently proposed research is a "compatible apply" with what subjects agreed to in the original consent form. For non-exempt projects, a consent process description or justification for a waiver must be included in the research protocol. The UCI IRB may crave that informed consent for secondary assay is obtained from subjects whose data will be accessed.

"Restricted Apply Data": Certain agencies and inquiry organizations release files to researchers with specific restrictions regarding their use and storage. The records frequently contain identifiers or extensive variables that combined might enable identification, even though this is not the intent of the researcher. Inquiry using these data sets most oftentimes requires expedited or full commission review.

For an explanation of the unlike categories of homo subjects inquiry, see Levels of Review.

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When do oral histories authorize equally human subjects research?

Equally part of the 2018 Common Rule, the Part for Human Research Protections has offically chosen out oral history projects as not meeting the definition of research.  The revised Common Rule at 45 CFR 46.102 states the following regarding the definition of "research":

(l) Enquiry means a systematic investigation, including inquiry development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable noesis. Activities that meet this definition plant research for purposes of this policy, whether or non they are conducted or supported nether a programme that is considered research for other purposes. For example, some demonstration and service programs may include inquiry activities. For purposes of this part, the following activities are deemed not to exist research:

(1) Scholarly and journalistic activities (e.g., oral history, journalism, biography, literary criticism, legal research, and historical scholarship), including the collection and use of information, that focus direct on the specific individuals about whom the data is collected.

(2) Public health surveillance activities, including the collection and testing of information or biospecimens, conducted, supported, requested, ordered, required, or authorized past a public wellness authority. Such activities are limited to those necessary to let a public wellness authority to identify, monitor, assess, or investigate potential public wellness signals, onsets of disease outbreaks, or atmospheric condition of public wellness importance (including trends, signals, risk factors, patterns in diseases, or increases in injuries from using consumer products). Such activities include those associated with providing timely situational awareness and priority setting during the course of an event or crisis that threatens public health (including natural or man-made disasters).

(iii) Collection and analysis of information, biospecimens, or records by or for a criminal justice agency for activities authorized by constabulary or court order solely for criminal justice or criminal investigative purposes.

(iv) Authorized operational activities (as determined by each agency) in back up of intelligence, homeland security, defense, or other national security missions.

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Protocol Questions

I can't upload documents into the IRB Application! Assistance!

Use any browser other than Safari: Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox should work.

Who needs to be listed on the protocol narrative?

All UCI researchers* engaged in human subject research must exist listed in the protocol narrative of the UCI IRB approved research project if they will:

  • intervene with subjects by performing research procedures, or past manipulating the environment for research purposes;
  • participate in the recruitment and/or selection of subjects;
  • participate in the informed consent procedure;
  • collect or report subject identifiable data; or
  • have access to field of study identifiable study data.

If your enquiry team should change in one case the project is approved, you lot must submit a modification to your protocol adding the new investigator(s) or removing those no longer involved.

*Constructive May 1, 2020,  Every bit illustrated by the below Research Personnel Oestrus Map but Research Personnel involved in the below activities illustrated in orange should be listed in the IRB Application and Protocol Narrative. All other Research Personnel should be tracked in the Study Team Tracking Log. (Note: For more information on IRB COI disclosure requirements, click here):

Role of Enquiry Personnel Minimal Risk Protocol Greater Than Minimal Risk Protocol
Access to subject identifiable data including Protected Health Data (PHI) for screening/ determining eligibility Listing merely the LR and Co-Researcher(due south) in the UCI IRB Application &
Protocol Narrative. The LR is required to maintain a Study Team log or something like to track Inquiry Personnel independently.
Recruiting subjects directly via phone, email or in person
Access to bailiwick identifiable data which may include
PHI for data collection purposes
Involvement in the informed consent process
(i.e., explaining the study to prospective subject)
Performing research procedures that involve greater than minimal risk Listing the LR, Co-Researcher(due south) and Research Personnel in the UCI IRB Application & Protocol Narrative.
Involvement in the estimation of study data
Finalization of the informed consent process
(i.due east., able to sign off as the individual obtaining consent)
Has a disclosable financial conflict of interest

Exercise all non-UCI researchers (including collaborators) need to be listed?

Non-UCI researchers arenot listed in the IRB Awarding or Protocol Narrative; instead they are listed in Appendix U (when UCI serves every bit the IRB of record) or Appendix R (when the UCI IRB relies on some other IRB) post-obit the Single IRB Reliance (sIRB) process.  For more information on the sIRB procedure, see HRP News & Annunciation: When UCI Serves equally the IRB of Record for Cooperative Research: A Streamlined Process.

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Do I need to include my inquiry staff or student researchers on the IRB Application?

Yeah, if the piece of work performed on the research project would allow the staff person or student researcher to have directly contact with subjects and/or access to subject identifiable data in the context of research, and then his or her proper name must be listed on the protocol, except as specified below*.

For staff personnel - if the individual's function on the project is office of his or her regular paid duties (i.e. phlebotomist, x-ray technician) and involvement in the project is limited to performing those duties without contributing to the research endeavor, and so such individuals need non be listed every bit co-investigators or research personnel.

*For minimal risk studies (Exempt or Expedited), practise not add together UCI undergraduates every bit research personnel (RP) except when the research will exist conducted outside California. All non-UCI undergraduates must be listed on an IRB Awarding.

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I have submitted my IRB Application. Now what happens?

  • The Pb Researcher and Administrative Contact(s) will receive an e-post memo assigning a Homo Subjects number (i.e., HS #). This takes place normally inside 48 hours of electronic submission. Keep this number as all IRB correspondence will reference the study title and HS#.
  • If you accept not already done so, please submit the applicable documentation to the Institutional Review Lath, Function of Enquiry (OR).  Refer to How to Submit Electonic IRB Applications for Review for specific details on what documents must be submitted.
  • Upon receipt of the required documentation, an administrative review will be conducted to ensure that all the necessary information is provided. If the awarding is in order it is assigned to an IRB Committee for review. If the application is incomplete (e.g., consent form or survey missing) the Pb Researcher and Administrative Contact (besides Faculty Sponsor, if applicable) will receive an email explaining how to right the deficiency.
  • Exempt and Expedited applications are reviewed past a subcommittee of IRB members. There are no submission deadlines for Exempt and Expedited eastward-IRB Applications. Exempt/Expedited reviews occur on a rolling ground.  IRB review typically occurs inside iv-6 weeks of receipt of all required documentation.
  • Total Committee applications are reviewed monthly. UCI has two biomedical IRBs and one Social/Behavioral IRB. See ORA Calendar and Deadlines for total Committee meeting dates and deadlines.
  • The IRB will reviews the application and make up one's mind one of four actions:
    • A - Approving
    • M - Minor changes required
    • T - Tabled for re-review. The application requires significant clarifications and revisions
    • D - Disapproval
  • For applications that receive a Commission determination of A - Approval, the Approval/Registration letter and stamped approved documents are sent to the Lead Researcher inside three-5 working days. Research studies should not begin until stamped blessing documents are received.
  • For applications that receive a Committee decision of M - Modest Changes or T - Tabled for Re-Review: the Lead Researcher, Authoritative Contact, and Kinesthesia Sponsor, when applicable, receive detailed comments from the IRB via eastward-postal service inside x working days. Research studies must not begin until stamped blessing documents are received.
  • For applications that receive a Commission determination of D - Disapproval, the Lead Researcher, Administrative Contact, and Kinesthesia Sponsor, when applicable, receive detailed comments from the IRB via email inside 10 working days. Please note that only the full Committee can disapprove a protocol and disapprovals are rare.

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What is the fastest way to observe out what happened to my study at an IRB meeting?

Total Committee meeting results are posted to the spider web by 3 pm, the afternoon of each meeting. To get admission to these same-solar day results for your submissions:

  • visit Results of Full Committee Meeting,
  • choose the appropriate meeting date, and
  • locate your protocol'south that like shooting fish in a barrel!

Note: This will provide yous with the status of your protocol merely. If your protocol is approved, blessing documents will be sent to the Lead Researcher within five working days. If your protocol was non approved, detailed committee feedback will be sent straight to the Pb Researcher within 10 working days of the meeting at which the protocol was reviewed.

Exempt and Expedited protocols are reviewed past a subcommittee of IRB members and the results are not posted to the web. Check with the Inquiry Protection staff for protocol status.

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Can I share my IRB protocol approval with colleagues working on similar projects?

No. The IRB approves protocols with the understanding that the work volition be conducted but by the investigators named in the protocol application. If your colleagues would like to piece of work on your research project, you may alter your existing protocol to add together them as co-investigators. Otherwise, they must utilize for their own IRB protocol approvals. For more data on how to change an canonical protocol, visit Modifications to the Protocol.

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How do I submit changes to a currently approved protocol?

To request approving of a proposed modification, consummate and submit the electronic Modification asking.

Upload two versions of all revised documents (i.eastward. protocol narrative, consent/assent forms, recruitment messages or ads, questionnaires, etc.) one version with the changes highlighted, 1 version without highlights. In addition include any new documents added every bit a result of the proposed change (Sponsor Amendment, questionnaires, etc.)

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How are changes to an approved protocol reviewed?

Changes to an canonical protocol are submitted to the IRB via an electronic Modification Request (Mod). Changes are categorized every bit either minor or significant. Minor changes exercise non significantly affect the risks and benefits assessment of the study and do not substantially change the specific aims or design of the study. Any change not considered a "minor" change is considered a "significant" modify. Pocket-sized changes may include personnel changes, changes to recruitment materials, improver of non-sensitive questions to interview or survey format, addition of a new recruitment site. Pocket-sized changes qualify for expedited reviewed while significant changes require review past the full Committee.

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What is Vii-Twelvemonth De Novo Continuing Review?

Every 6th year of protocol approval will crave submission of updated protocol documentation forth with the electronic Standing Protocol Application. This requirement went into issue February 1, 2010.  Effective Fall 2016, Seven-Year De Novo applies to both Biomedical and Social Behavioral Research involving greater than minimal risk. This includes submission of the following:

  • Updating the protocol narrative to the most current version of the protocol narrative bachelor at the IRB Forms page; and
  • Ensuring that the consent course or report information sheet meets the most current consent/study data sheet requirements. The consent templates are available at the IRB Forms page and requirements are bachelor at the Informed Consent Preparation spider web page.
  • Submitting all documentation for the protocol review such as whatsoever information collection instruments, recruitment, stimuli, etc. This includes re-submission of any applicative IRB appendices. The appendices are bachelor for downloading under IRB Forms. Please review all the forms and submit whatsoever that are applicative. Fifty-fifty if the appendix was not available when the written report was originally reviewed, it may still apply.

During the Committee's Seven-Yr De Novo review(s), the Committee volition require that all documents be incorporated into the CURRENT UCI templates. This may involve disclosing new information that has not been previously requested and therefore, not previously reviewed by the Commission. Equally with whatever review, studies are bailiwick to meet all current regulatory requirements, UC/ UCI policies and procedures. Atomic number 82 Researchers should not assume that at a Seven-Twelvemonth De Novo continuing review, nor a standard continuing review, will receive automatic approval. Appropriately, Lead Researchers are asked to follow the submission timeline guidelines for Seven-Year De Novo reviews, as well as standard standing reviews, to aid avert a lapse in IRB approval.

Exceptions to the Seven-Year De Novo Review Requirement

At that place are three types of protocols do not require Seven-Year De Novo Review:

  1. Continuing review of research where:
    • the enquiry is permanently closed to the enrollment of new subjects;
    • all subjects take completed all research-related interventions; and
    • the enquiry remains active only for long-term follow-up of subjects; or
  2. Continuing review of research where the remaining enquiry activities are limited to data assay.
  3. Protocols that involve no greater than minimal risk to human subjects (east.g., expedited, exempt).
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When should I submit a closing report to the IRB?

A report may exist closed when all of the following apply:

  • All discipline recruitment and enrollment is complete (i.e., no new subject area recruitment or enrollment are ongoing)
  • All subject specimens, records, data have been obtained (i.e., no farther collection of data/information from or near living individuals will be obtained)
  • No further contact with subjects is necessary (i.e., all interactions or interventions are consummate and no farther contact with enrolled subjects is necessary)
  • Analysis of subject identifiable data, records, specimens are complete (i.e., apply or access to field of study identifiable information is no longer necessary. Notation: this includes review of source documents past report sponsors).

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Informed Consent Questions

Who needs to be listed on the informed consent certificate?

Only those individuals who volition exist involved in the informed consent procedure are to exist listed on the consent class. Individuals who obtain informed consent must be appropriately qualified through their education, grooming or experience to obtain the legally-effective informed consent from a subject field. See the Informed Consent Process for more information.

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Who can consent on behalf of a subject for participation in a research study?

If an adult is unable to consent on his/her own behalf due to cognitive or medical incapacity, federal regulations permit researchers to obtain consent from a legally-authorized representative. CA Wellness & Safety Code 24178 defines the categories of individuals who are legally authorized in California to provide surrogate consent for research. For more information see Obtaining Surrogate Consent. In social club for a researcher to have the selection to obtain consent from a discipline'southward legally-authorized representative, the IRB must specifically corroborate the use of surrogate consent for a given protocol. If at that place is no legally-authorized representative, and the developed patient cannot consent, the individual may not become a homo bailiwick. A minor is unable to consent on his/her ain behalf. A parent or legal guardian normally provides permission for the minor to participate in research. The assent of the pocket-size is typically obtained.

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Is an English consent document okay to use when enrolling non-English-speaking subjects?

No. Study subjects are given a re-create of the consent to exist used equally a reference document to reinforce their understanding of the study and, if desired, to consult with their physician or family members nigh the study.

In social club to encounter the requirements of federal regulations, the consent document must be presented in linguistic communication understandable to the subject. When the prospective subject is fluent in English, the consent document and process should be conducted in English.

However, when it is predictable that many of the study subjects volition be not-English language-speaking people, and information technology is predictable that the consent procedure volition probable be conducted in a language other than English, the LR should submit a certified, translated consent course for IRB review after approval of the English version.

A re-create of the translated consent document must be given to each appropriate subject field. While a translator may exist used to facilitate chat with the subject, advert hoc translation of the consent document cannot substitute for a written translation. See Non-English Speaking Participants for more than information.

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Who must sign the consent form?

Federal regulations crave that the written consent grade approved past the IRB be signed and dated by the subject or the subject field'southward legally authorized representative (if approved past the IRB) at the time of consent. A copy should be given to the person signing the class.

It is the IRB'southward expectation that the person obtaining consent (the Lead Researcher, or another private listed on the consent course), will also sign and engagement the form, attesting to the informed consent conversation. The LR should sign the form only if he or she was present for the consent process. In add-on for clinical inquiry, a witness to the informed consent conversation must as well sign and date the consent form. Run across the Informed Consent Process and Non-English language Speaking Participants for more data.

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Is informed consent required even if the information/specimens will be nerveless from my friends and colleagues?

Yes. All enquiry involving interaction with human being subjects (including collection of specimens) requires informed consent regardless of who the subjects are. In some cases, written informed consent may be waived. Likewise, special rules use to recruiting students and staff from within ane'southward own section. Come across Vulnerable Subject Populations for more information.

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Tin I have my research coordinator or clinic director reply to requests from the IRB on my behalf?

No. Federal regulations require that the IRB must communicate straight with the Lead Researcher regarding protocol-related issues. Accordingly, all correspondence to the IRB must exist submitted with the Pb Researcher's signature.

The Lead Researcher has overall responsibility for the conduct of the research study, which includes responsibility for the submission of protocols and other correspondence to the IRB. The IRB may return any protocol-related correspondence that is received without evidence of the Lead Researcher'due south blessing.

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Tutorial Questions

I need to complete HRP CITI and HIPAA Training.  What are the next steps?

No CITI Account/ Take a UCInetID: If you practise not already take an account at Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), you would first need to set one up.  UCI students, staff, faculty and research personnel will be able to log in to the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) website using their UCINetID and password. When setting up your account, it is important that you use your UCI e-mail as your primary on this account considering that is the but way our database can receive updates regarding your training.For additional infromation on the registration procedure please follow these step-by-footstep instructions.

Have a CITI Account:If you already accept a CITI account from another Institution, your prior courses may be eligible for transfer, log on to the CITI site and add UCI as an affiliate institution. CITI will review the modules you previously completed and the date(s) on which you took them. CITI volition ask you to complete whatsoever modules required by UCI that were not required by your previous institution and/or modules that are no longer eligible to be transferred. You should also ensure that your contour for UCI includes your UCI email address as the IRB database links to CITI through an individual's UCInetID or his/her UCI email address. For additional information, delight follow these pace-by-step instructions.

No CITI Account/ No UCInetID: For new researchers without a UCINetID, delight follow these step-past-footstep instructions. In addition, if y'all are working with a colleague outside of UCI who needs UCInetID access, you may be able tosponsor your colleague for a temporary UCInetID. Only UCI faculty or direction-level staff members or their designees may sponsor someone.

CITI Coursework:

  • UCI offers two versions of the Basic Human Inquiry Training course: 1 for Biomedical Investigators (which includes HIPAA) and 1 for Social & Behavioral Investigators (with an optional HIPAA module).  Individuals cull the class that best matches their research activities / and role.
  • A CITI Refresher course is required every five years to ensure ongoing pedagogy near human research protections. In that location are likewise two versions of the refresher course.
  • The Bones and Refresher Courses require approximately 2 hours to complete.The modules may be completed over multiple sessions. You must complete a module and the related quiz before you log out of a session. If y'all do non consummate the module, you will be required to take it once more.
  • The minimum "passing" aggregate score is eighty%.  A passing score is based on the whole grade, and not on the private modules within a course.  When your Grade Book gives you an option to print a "Completion Written report," it means y'all passed the course. A running tally is compiled in the Grade Book. If y'all want to meliorate a score on a quiz, you may echo the module and the quiz.  You can print or download a Course Completion Report as evidence of completion. You can view or print your completion reports whatever time by logging into CITI.
  • For more data on required tutorials, see the Electronic Tutorials webpage. Too, to determine whether your inquiry involves PHI, please see the PHI (HIPAA) webpage.

How is CITI Completion Sent to UCI / Why is my CITI completion non showing up in the IRB application?

UCI Researchers:

  • If your CITI contour is accurate, your course completion is sent to UCI via a nightly data transfer. You will need to wait for the next day after grade completion to add yourself to an UCI Web-application.
  • Your CITI contour must:

            i) Reflect your UCI Email equally the primary email AND

            ii) Affiliate with UCI.

Non-UCI Researchers:

  • You must upload a re-create of theClass Completion Study with the UCI Web-application.

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I've forgotten my UCINetID password. How can I find out what it is?

UCINetID passwords are not known to anyone but you. If yous've forgotten your password for your UCInetID, you need to have Role of Data Engineering science (OIT) reset your password and re-actuate your UCInetID. See the OIT website for information and instructions.

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How can I find out which tutorials I've taken? How tin I verify my study team has completed the required tutorials?

In that location is a tutorial verification page on the ORA website. Anyone can verify whether a person performing inquiry has taken any of the electronic inquiry tutorials for credit. To verify the completion of a tutorial for credit, get to Tutorial Verification and enter a commencement name, last proper name or both. The resulting page can be provided to the Office of Research or others who require verification of tutorial completion.

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I get the following message when I try logging on the tutorial: "Your Browser is not configured to accept Cookies." How practise I gear up this problem?

You demand to reconfigure your browser setting to allow cookies. If y'all use Internet Explorer get to: Tools--Net Options-Privacy--Avant-garde Privacy Settings. If you need more help with how to enable cookies, please check in with the computer back up person in your department.

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Mail IRB Approval Questions

What documents are made available in the Document Depot?

During a transaction, a number of documents may be submitted to the IRB. Please note that only the following documents will be made bachelor in the Document Depot:

  • Electric current APP / CPA Approval Alphabetic character
  • Current Modernistic Approval Letter
  • HIPAA Forms
  • Consent / Assent Forms (IRB stamped)
  • Translated Consents / Assents (IRB stamped)
  • Protocol Narrative (IRB stamped)
  • Written report Information Sheets (IRB stamped)
  • Potential Participant Facing Recruitment Documents (IRB Stamped) **Please note: documents not used for recruitment of potential participants will not be stamped/ released**
  • Data Abstraction Sheets (IRB stamped)
  • Information Letters for Past Participants (IRB stamped)

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How practise I submit changes to a currently approved protocol?

To asking approval of a proposed modification, consummate and submit the electronic Modification asking.

Upload 2 versions of all revised documents (i.e. protocol narrative, consent/assent forms, recruitment letters or ads, questionnaires, etc.) 1 version with the changes highlighted, one version without highlights. In addition include any new documents added equally a event of the proposed alter (Sponsor Amendment, questionnaires, etc.)

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How are changes to an approved protocol reviewed?

Changes to an approved protocol are submitted to the IRB via an electronic Modification Asking (Mod). Changes are categorized every bit either small or significant. Minor changes do non significantly affect the risks and benefits assessment of the study and practice not substantially modify the specific aims or design of the study. Any change not considered a "small-scale" change is considered a "significant" change. Minor changes may include personnel changes, changes to recruitment materials, add-on of non-sensitive questions to interview or survey format, add-on of a new recruitment site. Minor changes qualify for expedited reviewed while meaning changes crave review by the full Commission.

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What is Seven-Twelvemonth De Novo Continuing Review?

Every 6th twelvemonth of protocol approval will require submission of updated protocol documentation along with the electronic Continuing Protocol Application. This requirement went into upshot February 1, 2010.  Effective Autumn 2016, Seven-Twelvemonth De Novo applies to both Biomedical and Social Behavioral Enquiryinvolving greater than minimal adventure. This includes submission of the post-obit:

  • Updating the protocol narrative to the most current version of the protocol narrative available at the IRB Forms folio; and
  • Ensuring that the consent form or study data sheet meets the most current consent/study information sheet requirements. The consent templates are bachelor at the IRB Forms page and requirements are available at the Informed Consent Preparation spider web folio.
  • Submitting all documentation for the protocol review such every bit whatever data collection instruments, recruitment, stimuli, etc. This includes re-submission of any applicable IRB appendices. The appendices are available for downloading nether IRB Forms. Delight review all the forms and submit whatsoever that are applicable. Even if the appendix was non bachelor when the written report was originally reviewed, it may yet apply.

During the Committee'due south 7-Year De Novo review(s), the Committee will require that all documents be incorporated into the CURRENT UCI templates. This may involve disclosing new information that has not been previously requested and therefore, not previously reviewed by the Committee. As with any review, studies are subject to run into all current regulatory requirements, UC/ UCI policies and procedures. Lead Researchers should not assume that at a Seven-Year De Novo continuing review, nor a standard standing review, will receive automatic approval. Accordingly, Lead Researchers are asked to follow the submission timeline guidelines for Seven-Year De Novo reviews, likewise as standard continuing reviews, to help avoid a lapse in IRB approval.

Exceptions to the Vii-Year De Novo Review Requirement

There are three types of protocols do not crave Seven-Year De Novo Review:

  1. Continuing review of inquiry where:
    • the research is permanently closed to the enrollment of new subjects;
    • all subjects have completed all research-related interventions; and
    • the research remains active only for long-term follow-up of subjects;or
  2. Continuing review of research where the remaining inquiry activities are limited to data analysis.
  3. Protocols that involve no greater than minimal risk to homo subjects (eastward.chiliad., expedited, exempt).

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When should I submit a closing report to the IRB?

A written report may exist airtight whenall of the post-obit apply:

  • All subject field recruitment and enrollment is complete (i.east., no new subject field recruitment or enrollment are ongoing)
  • All subject area specimens, records, information have been obtained (i.eastward., no farther collection of information/information from or about living individuals will be obtained)
  • No further contact with subjects is necessary (i.e., all interactions or interventions are complete and no farther contact with enrolled subjects is necessary)
  • Assay of field of study identifiable data, records, specimens are complete (i.e., use or access to subject area identifiable data is no longer necessary. Note: this includes review of source documents by study sponsors).

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